Monday, January 10, 2011

Day Twelve

To Write Love on Her Arms - Hawthorne Heights
This is a huge problem with teens. Hopefully the TWLOHA campaign will impact the lives of some...Cutting is a hard habit to break, but it IS possible.

To Write Love On Her Arms
With ink, not a blade
To get her to know it
To turn her mind around
Just to remind her
She could have so much more
Life is built to be greater
A moment for her choices
To decorate as she will
There is good to be had
And that good, we, as friends
Are to give in abundance
To show her the truth
To Write Love On Her Arms

 IQ: "18 out of 274,000 teens kill themselves
        1 in 5 teens consider suicide
        1 in 6 make plans
        1 in 12 attempt suicide
       8 out of 10 ask for help before they commit suicide." 
      TWLOHA (


  1. Did you take this picture??

  2. I've never forgotten you or forgotten the times when you talked to me about my cutting when we were younger. Thank you for not forgetting something like this. I know I haven't posted my name or anything like that, but just know I love you and this means a lot to me.
